Georgia Wartel Collins is a Swedish/American double bass player based in New York. Jazz and improvisation has always been a strong life force for Georgia with both her parents active in the jazz and performance-art scenes. Her home was always full of live music and the house vibrated with creativity.
She started playing music at an early age, always intending to improvise. Georgia and her double bass found one another and entered a passionate, complex and long lasting relationship, developing a movement based approach to playing. Her vast explorations of the bass are always in motion.
Georgia graduated from the Conservatory in Trondheim 2019 and received her Masters degree from Conservatorium van Amsterdam 2022.
Beside her work with her solo project and her own trio 'Aila trio', she collaborates often with other inspirational music, dance and theatre projects. A few of them are:
JUNO, dance and music performance ‘I am not there, I am here’, Moby Dick with French/Norwegian theatre company Plexus Polaire, Liv Andrea Hauge Trio, ‘Kontrabassorkestret’ led by Ellen Andrea Wang, music performance group ‘The Rosehips’ and free impro duo ‘music for whales’.
Latest releases:
March 21st Nublu Classic, Manhattan w/ Ras Moshe,sax and Malik Washington,drums
March 30th - Nublu Classic, Manhattan w/ Devin Waldman,sax and Malik Washington,drums
April 25th - Nublu Classic, Manhattan w/ Lee Odom,sax and Dave Miller,drums
April 16th - Downtown Music Gallery, Manhattan w/Devin Waldman,sax, Dave Miller,drums and Daniel Carter,sax/flute
April 30th - Scholes Street Studio w/ Ras Moshe,sax and mor
20.may Rapid Light, Juret, oslo
21.may Landæus/Wartel/Wartel/Wartel, Blow Out Kafé Hærverk, oslo
22.may Rapid Light, Brötz, gbg
23.may Rapid Light, Victoria cafe & pub, bergen
24.may Liv Andrea Hauge trio, Nattjazz, bergen
1.june The Poolside Super Heroes, Konstepidemin
5.june Petters jazzjam, Kulturhuset, olso
6.june Liv Andrea Hauge trio, Kafé Hærverk, oslo
8.june Liv Andrea Hauge trio, Antikvariatet, trondheim
9.june Liv Andrea Hauge trio, Bakgården, Mosjøen
15.june Liv Andrea Hauge trio, Northern expo, Bodø
18.june Landæus/Wartel/Wartel/Wartel, Bubblan, gbg
19.june Leap quarter, Juret, oslo